My Story

About three years ago, God delivered me from a massive “widow-maker” heart attack. It’s a miracle I survived. I had about a 3% chance to live but God doesn’t deal with the odds because even the impossible is possible for Him! After receiving a life-saving stent, I knew I had a second chance at life and this was right about the time COVID was in full force so I decided one of the things I could do while I was stuck at home was to make my own beard oil.

The main reason why I started making my own beard oil was because I had probably bought 20-30 different beard oil products online and in stores and they all had the same thing in common, THEY WERE ALL SO GREASY! I know what you’re thinking, its beard OIL, it’s supposed to be greasy. Well the thing about me is that I’m a habitual beard stroker. All throughout my day I’m  stroking, touching, feeling, and caressing my sweet and majestic beard. When I'm bored, when I’m happy, when I’m excited, and especially when I’m stressed; you can find me petting this magical forest of facial flora almost the entire day. And the problem for me was that I would get all that greasy beard oil all over my fingers and my hands.

You see, not all beard oil has to leave your hands greasy. In fact some beard oils can be light enough NOT to do that. So I wanted to create a blend of beard oil that would not only be healthy for my luscious beard hair and beneficial for my facial skin underneath the beard, but just as important to me, I wanted it to be light and NOT GREASY on my fingers even if I were to stroke my beard all day long. That's how Russell’s Radical Beard Oil was born. It’s radical in that it is made with all natural ingredients. It is radical in that it keeps your beard shiny and healthy. Radical in that it keeps your skin underneath moisturized and happy, and radical in that the recipe keeps your fingers and hands grease free! In fact, our beard oil is so non-greasy, you’ll be able to high-five without leaving an oily residue behind. Now that’s radical. With this beard oil, you’ll exude confidence and charisma, making you the most radical dude in any room.

The other thing that sets Russell’s Radical Beard Oil apart from all the rest of the beard oils out there is the Agave oil and Apricot seed oil. I don’t see these two oils in ANY other beard oils out there and the benefits of those two oils are truly amazing for your grizzly bear of a beard. I wanted the benefits of the Agave oil for the skin underneath my beard (because let’s be honest, what’s underneath the beard is a whole other beast to contend with and a completely separate biome to control altogether). And I wanted the Apricot oil for the added benefits of beard growth along with all the benefits of the other oils in my beard oil,  and I wanted it all without greasy fingers. It’s like a fist bump for your facial follicles. Now that’s what I call radical nourishment! This is my beard! Without my beard I am nothing! Without me, my beard is nothing. Take care of your beard, it’s your manliness trophy, wear it with pride.